Sunday, 18 May 2014

Awesome to see the Terracotta Warriors in situ - post Great Wall trek

In September 2012 Karen Patrick walked part of the Great Wall of China for Dementia Care.
Her story is related in her book 'Scaling the Dragon's Back' which is available from Amazon for Kindle, Barnes and Noble for Nook, on Kobo and on all other formats from

The ebook is sold in support of Dementia Care. 

A General showing the unique detailed facial features

The Terracotta Warriors which are arguably the most significant archeological find of the twentieth century guarded the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Hung which is located 25 kms to the east of Xian city.  The Terracotta Warriors were not discovered until 1974 by a local farmer digging a well.  The tombs and the life-size figures of warriors and horses they contain lay undiscovered for over 2,000 years.  Archeologists are learning a great deal about the diversity and cultural mix of ancient China from the different facial features of the Terracotta Warriors, each is unique.  Altogether over 7,000 terracotta soldiers, horses and chariots, made of wood and bronze, and various weapons have so far been excavated from these pits.

An archer minus weapon
The Emperor built the warrior army believing they would follow him into immortality and defend him against his enemies in the afterlife.  I am not sure what he expected to find in the afterlife when he got there, big trouble obviously.  

Originally the warriors would have carried weapons, swords, crossbows, etc. These weapons for the most part were either looted by robbers ransacking the tombs or have disintegrated over time.  Three pits have so far been excavated.  Further pits are as yet untouched and will remain so until archeologists discover a way of preserving the statues once they become exposed to the air.  The warriors are brightly coloured when first excavated but the colours quickly fade once the figures are exposed to the air.

Number 1 Pit is the largest and the first one a visitor sees.  It contains columns of warriors at the front, followed by chariots at the back.  Stepping up to the first pit and seeing the row upon row of pottery infantrymen and horses literally took my breath away, it was a truly amazing sight, awesome. 

Pit 1.  The first view the visitor sees

I have one priceless memory of my visit which I shall share here.  As I have said, Pit 1 is vast.  Figures which have been excavated and are being pieced together are placed towards the back of the pit.  There is a large space between the warriors on display and the repair area as I would call it. Here the statues had heads, hands or feet wrapped in what looked like cling-film I assume for protection. On this particular stage of our tour we were being followed by a group of Americans, two middle aged couples obviously travelling together.  The women had become separated from their men, easily done in the crowds, and were standing directly behind me within ear shot as we passed the repair area of the pit which contained the protected pottery figures in the process of restoration.  The conversation as I recall it went something like this:

The hospital?!

In the slow drawl of the southern United States.

"I wonder what this place was?"
"I dunno"
"Look they’ve got bandages on their heads"
“Oh yeh, so they have and on their hands too”
"Uh huh"
"It must have been the hospital"
"Yeh, I guess so" 

 Priceless, you couldn't make it up.

Extracts taken from the ebook Scaling The Dragon’s Back, The Great Wall Trek.
Copyright © 2012 Karen Patrick

Other blog posts about my visit to China and Great Wall Trek...

  • Reviews for 'Scaling The Dragon's Back'
  • Personal reflections of my visit to China
    25 years on Tiananmen Square remembered
  • Impressions of visiting Beijing

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